Oke guys, welcome to my 1st tuto for all bloggy out there :DD..
1st of all nes nk btau about 'what is washed denim?'..Mybe ad certain bloggy yg still x tau wht is washed denim.. Oke x pe2.. Nes blh explain kan :)..
Actually Washed Denim template is ap yg korg tgk at blog nes ni skrg.. Nes skrg guna washed denim n dah stop gune simple template.. Klebihannya, blog u'all akn npk more unique n more smarter la kan.. Let's try okey..
Btw, follow ap yg nes aja ni btl2 taw ;))
1st step:
Utk lgkah ati2, ap kate u'all copy dlu coding lame.. Mna la tau if ad error ke kang rosak pla blog nomey u'all tuw kan ;p.. If xnk pn x pe..
2nd step:
Klik DASHBOARD > DESIGN > EDIT HTML then scroll ke bwh n u'all akn jpe SELECT LAYOUT TEMPLATE..cntoh kt bwh ni yee..
(click utk jdkan GIANT)
3rd step:
(click utk jdkan GIANT)
Then u'all click washed denim mcm yg nes tnjuk dlm gmba kt ats niy.. Lps tuw u'all click SAVE TEMPLATE okey..
Haa korg dh pn dpt template baru.. Mmg kosong je right?? Normal sume tuw.. Now it's time tuk u'all cantik kan blog nomey u'all tuw ;)).. Meet in d next tuto k.. Nes akn tnjuk cre nk cun kan blog ^_^
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